Millard Fuller wrote a book. It was short, simple, and enormously profound. In this book we learn how Fuller gained millions of dollars but was on the brink of losing his wife. They sold everything and joined a Christian commune. It was there that Millard developed the concept that became Habitat for Humanity. This organization sprang from the profound spiritual renewal of one formerly avaricious lawyer.
Millard Fuller touched my heart. Fuller’s book, Love in the Mortar Joints, and Richard Foster’s Celebration of Discipline, were pivotal in my own spiritual formation. But Fuller’s writing was unique in its focus on tool-belt Christianity. As an engineer, I appreciate the deft melding of practical service with the deepest Christian motivation. Furthermore, Millard acted as an example of how a movement born of deep Christian fundamentals can be joined with a tolerant, cooperative heart. No one need pass a doctrinal exam to grab an HFH hammer.
Millard Fuller built a house. Actually, countless houses. So many lives changed as potential home owners went from becoming builders of others houses to receiving the keys to their own beautiful home and a gift bible.
Millard Fuller went home. On February 3, 2009, Millard Fuller passed away. Those inspired by his life continue to serve: building houses, building relationships, showing their Christianity by their actions. How fitting that today the rich young lawyer who did give it all away lives in his “mansion in the sky.” One can only imagine how warmly he was greeted by the Carpenter he served so well. Thank you, brother, for what you built in me.