Facebook Unapologetic but Changed

Facebook | Making Control Simple.  Markie Markie Markie.  I love the I’m just a kid excuse.  Still no apology but I’m guessing that just isn’t in the Zuckerberg repertoire.

In his blog today, Mark Zuckerberg has implemented the changes that users have insisted on.  I’m looking forward to hearing the response of folks like Leo Laporte who left Facebook over their amoral treatment of users.

1. “The number one thing we’ve heard is that there just needs to be a simpler way to control your information.”
True,  some people thought that 50 settings with 170 options was a little complex.

2. “First, we’ve built one simple control to set who can see the content you post. In a couple of clicks, you can set the content you’ve posted to be open to everyone, friends of your friends or just your friends.

“This control will also apply to settings in new products we launch going forward. So if you decide to share your content with friends only, then we will set future settings to friends only as well. This means you won’t have to worry about new settings in the future.”
The usual foggy Zuckerberg, but I think he is saying that in the future Facebook won’t change our settings without our knowledge which is exactly what they have done in the past.  This is the “opt in” versus “opt out” model we were really clamoring for.  Hurray!

3. “Second, we’ve reduced the amount of basic information that must be visible to everyone and we are removing the connections privacy model. Now we’ll be giving you the ability to control who can see your friends and pages. These fields will no longer have to be public.”
You may remember from my previous posts that Facebook required us to share basic information or not have it at all.  We will no longer be required to tell everybody if we want to tell anybody.  HUGE.

4. “We’ve added an easy way to turn off Platform completely. This will make sure that none of your information is shared with applications or websites.”
Thank you.


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