See what I did there? Want a workaround for the traffic jams that seem to be a part of too many trips? There’s an app for that – from Google. Here I am wondering whether I can go back to iOS for the iPad 2 and abandon Android.
While iOS offers a lot that Android lacks, it doesn’t have Google video chat (Android Honeycomb), Google voice commands are limited, and, most egregious of all, no Google Navigation. So, yes, if I buy the iPad 2, I will miss them.
Adding fuel to the fire, Google just added the ability to automatically route me around traffic jams of which I may not have any awareness. How slick is that? If I do buy the iPad 2, I won’t be giving up my Android phone any time soon. After all, how else can I find the fastest way around the traffic jams around the Apple Store when iPad 2 sales start on Friday at 5 pm?