Amazon MP3’s

For quite a few years, I have touted the Amazon MP3 store as the place where I choose to buy my music. Their downloader automatically added the purchase to my iTunes library. The MP3 was DRM free. I could download the music again from any device I happened to be on when I felt the urge to expand my library on that device. The third feature is no longer the case.

Apple has long limited the number of devices on which one could put the songs purchased from the iTunes store. Well, yesterday, I went to buy a song and Amazon popped up to tell me I needed a new downloader, which I installed. Then I got another popup asking me if I wanted this computer to be one of the ten devices that would be allowed to download my Amazon music. Apple finally caught up to Amazon in offering DRM-free music. Now that Amazon has regressed to limiting one to ten devices (as does Apple), I can no longer favor the Amazon MP3 Store over the Apple iTunes Store.

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