Despite my love for music, I have a chronic habit of torturing it with my attempts to produce it for myself. Thanks to mp3’s and my need to commute an hour a day, I have become a huge fan of downloading and playing back playlists custom tailored to my tastes. It is as awkward for me to listen to random music as it is to watch TV live and not be able to fast forward through the commercials.
In my youner adulthood, I went to Manhattan with my mother and two sisters. I fell in love. Pittsburgh may be "downtown" to me, but New York is "The City."
I thought that Michael Cera was good in Juno. In Nick and Nora, he rises to an even higher level. Like Michael, Kat Dennings is an actor I want to see more of. Alexis Dziena as the ex-, is well cast as the shallow but beautiful girl who fails to appreciate the romance and taste of Nick’s playlist offerings. I saw her last as the spoiled rich girl in Fool’s Gold. While the storyline is very weak the chemistry between the entire ensemble of actors was excellent and worth the price of admission. I’m not a big fan of gross out humor and could have lived without the hand in the puke scene.
Each generation must come up with their Cary Grant-Katherine Hepburn/Tom Hanks-Meg Ryan. Perhaps a new generation of romantic leads has appearred. Sign me up for tickets to the next movie with this pair – especially if NYC is the backdrop.